A Call for Peace: Statement of YFPM Comval on CPP-NPA-NDF’s Revoking of Unilateral Ceasefire

The Youth for Peace Movement Compostela Valley, a non-profit organization of young leaders that advocate peace in the province of Compostela Valley (Comval) is saddened with the news that the CPP-NPA-NDF (CNN) has already withdrawn its unilateral ceasefire today and would take full effect on February 10, 2017. 

As part of a vulnerable sector whom some of us had first hand experienced being caught between armed encounters in our communities, it delighted us at the time when we heard that the CNN and the Government of the Philippines have agreed to declare unilateral ceasefires within their organizations to give way to the ongoing talks of their leaders. It delighted us as we could already go on with the normal life our elders wished to have many years ago since the conflict erupted. We could freely roam our communities and go to each of our schools without hesitating that anytime, firefights between armed groups of both parties would again erupt and cost another life of innocent civilians.

Although it is believed that both parties are fighting for the rights and freedom of the people, which we believe we are part of, but the method of using arms to pursue this is not the right thing since the primary victims are still the innocent people, most especially the young ones. It affects our growth of not having fear or hate; it affects our dream of having successful lives someday; it affects our families; it affects everything we have and love.

With this, we respectfully appeal to both armed groups, and the leaders of CNN and the Government in the peace panel to pursue the bilateral ceasefire. If we have seen and felt the positive effects of the unilateral ceasefire in our communities, how much more if a more powerful truce will be followed by both parties? 

We believe that sustainable peace will happen if both parties will only trust each other and commit to their pledge. We are pleading for giving peace a chance and letting our young people enjoy a peaceful place to live in.

Let a child be an example to you that when another child does bad to him/her, he/she might get mad, but they will still be friends. Because the world to a child is a better place if he/she has more friends than enemies.

Our beloved province of Compostela Valley and the whole country would be a better place if peace is with us.
